JULY 19th 2018 MALTRAVERS (2 rinks ladies GS & M league & 1 rink ladies friendly) H
Post date: Jul 21, 2018 7:22:53 PM
Witterings 46 Maltravers 37 GS & M League
The Wittering Ladies had a very exciting and friendly afternoon last week in the GS&M league against the Ladies from Maltravers.
Witterings gained 5 points and Maltravers 1.
Jackie Clapton, Karen Slogrove, Julie Mulligan and Barbara Newman (Sk) won 25-16,
Sheila Currell, Maureen Mulligan, Diane Leach and Carole Tuffin,(s) drew 21-21
Our Friendly Triples rink, of Margaret Bowell, Val Hooker and Chris Horsley (Sk) , win 16-13.