Post date: Jun 27, 2011 9:54:28 AM
President Frank Bray welcomed 48 players and a number of special guests to the club. The afternoon started with a spider which was won by Barry Horsley and was followed by six rinks playing 21 ends. The rinks were made up of new and experienced bowlers and a lot of fun was had by all.
The winning team with a +26 shot difference were Paul Chivers, Kate Nixon, Jan Derkatsch and Lindsay Bangs (s) and the runners up with a shot difference of +18 were John Hardy, Margaret Cruickshank, Ros Hanbury and Barry Horsley (s).
We were fortunate with the weather which included bright sunshine for a lot of the time.
Frank mentioned in his speech the three life members who were present, Leslie Bourne, Pat Smith and Roger Smith and his other special guests Jenny Knotts (the Chairman’s wife) and Frank’s wife, Diane.
Many thanks to all who helped make this a good afternoon. A buffet meal was supplied by Jean Edwards and her helpers, while Keith Maxwell and Carol ran the bar. Other helpers included Barbara, Jim, Judy, Lindsay and Ros.