Post date: Aug 01, 2010 12:29:51 PM
President Frank Bray welcomed 46 players and several special guests to his President’s day. The afternoon consisted of 5 rinks playing 18 ends and 1 rink playing 10 ends made up of the injured hero’s . After a very wet start in the morning the afternoon turned out just fine for bowling. The rinks were made up of new and experienced bowlers and a lot of fun was had by all. The winning team with a +21 shot difference were: Terry Passant, George Thomas, Terry Mulligan and Chris Horsley (s) and the runners up with shot difference +18 were Leslie Bourne, Les Cros,s Keith Maxwell and Peg Lillywhite (s). There was also a prize for the Injured Hero’s and the winners were Phil White, Frank Chatfield and Ros Hanbury (s).
Frank also mentioned in his speech for the three life members who had come, two of them managed to play Leslie Bourne, Roger Smith and Pat Smith and to his other guests Jenny Knotts, Michael Kempn and Frank Chatfield and of course not forgetting his wife Diane for all her support over the last year.
A Buffet meal was supplied by Jean Edwards and her helpers. Jim Slogrove run the bar all afternoon, and prizes were presented to the winning rinks and the raffle was drawn which brought and end to a very enjoyable afternoon. Many thanks to everyone who helped to made it such a wonderful day.
Marion Corbett