Post date: Feb 19, 2012 1:26:49 PM

Hi folks. Maintenance continues. The bowls green, hedges and surrounding areas are looking superb. We now have a nice new relief panel in the fence. Very striking! Continuing with the theme of nicknames we now may have a Picasso among us. Its worth a visit to the club to see how good it all looks. Thank you to everyone who is helping. So far this year over 20 jumbo bags of leaves and cuttings etc have been taken to the amenity tip at Chichester. We were a bit short of helpers this week probably due to grandchildren and half term. Hopefully back to normal next Thursday 23 February at 9.30 am. We are going to need a few other helpers in the next couple of weeks as we have to trim the trees etc to the skateboard side of the fence. Please volunteer 674282 to save me ringing round.

Ever hopeful
