Post date: Aug 16, 2013 11:41:57 AM

On a glorious sunny afternoon, mens' captain Lindsay Bangs welcomed 45 bowlers to a fun bowling afternoon. After an initial spider, with voluntary donations for the Snowdrop Trust, members enjoyed 3 sessions of 6 ends, teams being selected randomly and players keeping individual scores throughout. Interspersed between these sessions, three games were organised, namely "the castle," "10 green bottles" and target bowls. The castle was a wooden structure constructed by Terry Mulligan, with 5 arches through which woods had to travel to make a score. The 10 green bottles were arranged in a pyramid shaped format with values from 1 to 10. Members then had to bowl and scored according to the value of the bottles they knocked over. Judging by the conversation and laughter, the games were enjoyed by everyone.

Winners were:

Castle game Eric Shoyer

10 green bottles Gwilym Morgan

Target bowls Alan Somerville

Overall winners of the 3 sessions were Jim Slogrove for the men and Maureen Mulligan for the ladies.

When bowling had finished, all participants enjoyed drinks and food with Judy Bangs preparing hot pork baps (with stuffing and apple sauce!) followed by a choc ice with a team of ladies helping to serve. All the food went so bowlers must have been hungry after the efforts of the afternoon!

A grand raffle was held with all prizes donated (thanks, everybody). From the money raised, a donation will be made to the Snowdrop Trust and the balance will go towards a new water heater for the club kitchen to replace the ageing urn.

Thank you Lindsay and Judy for your generosity and wonderful organisation which ensured a most successful and happy afternoon for all.