Post date: Sep 03, 2012 11:40:10 AM

The season got off to a bad start with long periods of rain which meant the competitions ran late and everyone ended up cramming in matches, sometimes playing 2 or 3 in one day - so well done to those who entered for finishing on time.

The triples weekend went well and the 2 winning teams went on to the final.

The Saturday of the finals weekend saw Chris Horsley narrowly defeating Carole Tuffin in the ladies singles. Fred Knotts and Pat Hutton came into their form towards the end of their game against Jimbo and Kate Nixon and surprised us all by turning the match around and winning the club pairs. Lindsay Bangs and John Hardy then beat John Hostler and Paul Chivers in the men's pairs. The afternoon saw John hardy beating Stu Hooker to win the Juniors and Paul Chivers beating Carole Tuffin to win the handicap. Lindsay Bangs and Fred Knotts had a brilliant game in the men's 100 up, with a tie at 100 all. On the extra end Fred just sneaked ahead and took the title.

The weather turned for us on the Sunday and it seemed to drizzle all day. Chris Horsley, Paul Chivers and Tony Nixon beat Marion Corbett, Frank Bray and Brian Curtis in the triples, Fred Knotts beat John Hardy in the 2 wood. Pat Hutton lost a close match to Carole Tuffin in the ladies 100 up. In the veterans Dave Bell beat Eric Shoyer.

The ladies pairs had winners of Ros Hanbury and Julie Mulligan over Marina Aylward and Judy Bangs. The men's singles was won by John Hardy who beat Eric Shoyer and the championship was won by Stu Hooker who had a close game with Lindsay Bangs.

The Victor Ludorum was awarded to Fred Knotts.

Thank you to all who helped - the people who set up the green, the wiggies, the markers and the umpires, also thanks to the ladies in the kitchen and to the bar staff.

Thank you Ros for the huge amount of organising you do to ensure that the Finals Weekend runs smoothly and is enjoyed by both competitors and spectators alike.