Firstly thank you for your support over the past season with our various events.

 Now that we're coming to the end of the season, may we just remind you of some future events.

 Firstly we have our candlelit bowls preceded by a fish and chip supper, which is on Sunday September 29th at 6 pm. £10 per head. Poster in clubhouse.

 Then on Saturday October 19th at 1 pm, to precede the Presentations, we are providing a two course lunch at £8 per head; the poster for this event went up in the clubhouse today, so please pop down and sign up your names.

 On November 8th at 7 pm there is an End of Season Dine and Dance at Rosarios at £26 per head.  Again please sign up on the poster in the clubhouse.

 Lastly, we advertised our Christmas Social at Restaurant 64 at Chichester College on Wednesday December 4th at 6 pm way back at the beginning of the season and it was very quickly sold out with a waiting list. This is for a 3 course meal for (price to be confirmed) approx £23 per person, cooked and served by the catering students.  If any newer members wish to add their names to the waiting list please let me know.  (When we held this event in February, we found there were quite a lot of changes in the few days leading up to the event, so it could be worth a try on the waiting list.)

This poster is no longer in the clubhouse, but if anyone wants to add their name to the waiting list, please reply to this email.


Best wishes,


Debbie and her social team